“Know before whom you toil, and that your employer is faithful,
for He will pay you the reward of your labour.”
– Rabbi El'azar ben Azariah, Pirkei Avot, 2:14.
M E N ' S T O R A H
85+ everyday learners have found their groove
You don’t need to be a scholar, rabbi or community leader to seek Torah wisdom. Here, Torah learning is for everyone. Our programs offer you opportunities to choose how, when, and with whom you will delve into the sweetness of our sacred heritage.
Daily Amud Yomi shiur in Hebrew
By Rabbi Assayag
Mon. - Thurs. Evenings | Pre / Post Mincha
Chamin Vi'Chidush
Hot Sephardic stew & learning too
With Rabbi Shmuli Sussman
Thursday Nights | 8:45 PM - 9:30 PM
Archived Recorded Shiurim
1000+ shiurim | 30 years worth of recordings
Work in progress to make the vast library of Rabbi Daniel J. Raccah's Shiurim available here.
Chumash Shiur in English
By Rav Aharon Raccah
An in-depth analysis of Chumash, through the words of the Rishonim and a sprinkling of Kabbalistic insights. No text skills required.
Wednesday Nights | 8:10 - 9:00 PM

By Rav Aharon Raccah
Diving deep into one practical Teshuva a week, through learning and discussing the sources inside, including Sevarot and final Psak
Tuesday Night | 8:00 - 9:00 PM

Morning Halacha Shiur
By Rav Aharon Raccah
Halachic principles & practicals
Based on the Ben Ish Chai with insights from Rav Ovadia Yosef
Daily after Shacharit

Kollel Boker
Chavruta study on any topic of your choice
Arranged Chavruta - Daily before Shacharit
5:55 AM - 6:25 AM (Excluding Chodesh Elul)

Yom Tov Shiurim
By Rabbi Daniel J. Raccah
Biographies & Contributions of the Rishonim. Open to men and women.
Yom Tov | Between Mincha & Arvit
Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785